Privacy Policy

Based on Article 13 of the Suisse federal constitution and its data protection regulations (Data Protection Act, DPA) does every Person have the right of protection concerning their privacy as well as the abuse of their personal datas. We fallow this regulation. Personal datas will be treated in strict confidence. They will be neither sold to third parties nor given away for further usage.

We seek to protect our database as good as possible from foreign access as well as data loss, abuse and fraud.

Beim Zugriff auf unsere Webseite werden folgende Daten in Logfiles gespeichert: IP-Adresse, Datum, Uhrzeit, Browser-Anfrage und allgemein übertragene Informationen zum Betriebssystem bzw. Browser. Diese Nutzungsdaten bilden die Basis für statistische, anonyme Auswertungen, so dass Trends erkennbar sind, anhand derer wir unser Angebot entsprechend verbessern können.

Privacy Policy for Utilisation of Google Analytics

This website is in use of Google Analytics Service to make its range continuously improve. The  privacy policy as the terms of use fallow the conditions of Google. You have the possibility of deactivate Google Analytics for your Browser by installing Browser-Add-on by Google.